After several hours and reading several blogs and webpages, I came up with the following pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Apache Incubating Repository</name>
<name>Apache Incubating Plugin Repository</name>
There are several things to point out:
- I am by no means a OSGI/Maven expert, so consider this to be a first draft
- the commented out scr plugin is used for declarative OSGI services, details here.
- the groovy version used for compilation (1.6.3) and within OSGI (1.6.0) are different. This might lead to problem. Best thing to do would be to reinstall groovy-all.jar into the OSGI environment
- the "Sling-Inital-Content" tag is a convenience used to supply initial content to sling
- the <mountByFS>true</mountByFS> tag should theoretically allow to have all changes done within the filesystem be propagated to sling. Doesn't work atm, although, unsure why