Sonntag, 24. Mai 2009

Sling/Groovy Development with OSGI

After having evaded this whole OSGI/Maven topic, I think it is time that I delve into the whole issue. Lars Trieloff and other helpful people alredy gave me a hint about when to change from webdav/scripting mode to OSGI/Maven bundles.

After several hours and reading several blogs and webpages, I came up with the following pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

<name>Apache Incubating Repository</name>
<name>Apache Incubating Plugin Repository</name>

There are several things to point out:
  1. I am by no means a OSGI/Maven expert, so consider this to be a first draft
  2. the commented out scr plugin is used for declarative OSGI services, details here.
  3. the groovy version used for compilation (1.6.3) and within OSGI (1.6.0) are different. This might lead to problem. Best thing to do would be to reinstall groovy-all.jar into the OSGI environment
  4. the "Sling-Inital-Content" tag is a convenience used to supply initial content to sling
  5. the <mountByFS>true</mountByFS> tag should theoretically allow to have all changes done within the filesystem be propagated to sling. Doesn't work atm, although, unsure why

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Were you ever able to get the mountByFS feature working?

For me, the sling plugin deploys the bundle just fine, but fails to create the necessary configuration. "Configuration failed, cause: Not Found"